The Plain Truth -- Jan 1960
(too old to reply)
2011-04-04 00:35:56 UTC
Title: The Plain Truth -- Jan 1960
Publication: The Plain Truth Magazine
Editor: Herbert W Armstrong
Publisher: Herbert W Armstrong
Number: Vol 25, No 01
Date Published: 1960-01
Type: Magazine
Type Media: PDF
Warning: Some of the statements and teachings
Warning: in these earlier issues of The Plain
Warning: Truth (earlier than around 1978) were
Warning: later changed or discarded.


Other material produced by or under the direction of Mr. Armstrong:

Title: Mystery of the Ages
Author: Herbert W Armstrong
Date Published: 1985
Type: Book
Type Media: PDF


Title: The Incredible Human Potential
Author: Herbert W Armstrong
Date: 1978
Type: Book
Type Media: HTML


Title: The United States and Britain in Prophecy
Author: Herbert W Armstrong
Date Published: 1980
Type: Book
Type Media: PDF


Title: The Middle East in Prophecy
Author: Herbert W Armstrong
Date: 1948, 1954, 1972
Type: Booklet
Type Media: PDF


Title: Who or What Is the Prophetic BEAST?
Author: Herbert W Armstrong
Date: Part One: 1960; Part Two: 1952
Type: Booklet
Type Media: HTML


Click here to view chart showing prophecies of reign of Gentile


Title: The Mark of the Beast
Author: Herbert W Armstrong
Date Published: 1952
Type: Booklet
Type Media: PDF


Title: Pagan Holidays -- or God's Holy Days -- Which?
Author: Herbert W Armstrong
Date: 1976
Type: Booklet
Type Media: PDF


Title: Where is the True Church?
Author: Herbert W Armstrong
Date: 1984
Type: Booklet
Type Media: PDF


Title: Why Marriage?
Author: Herbert W Armstrong
Date: 1968, 1974
Type: Booklet
Type Media: PDF


Title: Herbert W Armstrong Autobiography, Volume I
Author: Herbert W Armstrong
Date: Volume I: 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1967, 1973, 1974, 1986
Type: Book
Type Media: PDF


Title: Herbert W Armstrong Autobiography, Volume II
Author: Herbert W Armstrong
Date: Volume I: 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1967, 1973, 1974, 1986
Type: Book
Type Media: PDF

Henrik V Blunck
2011-04-04 17:26:59 UTC
Post by hwa-admin
Title: The Plain Truth -- Jan 1960
Publication: The Plain Truth Magazine
Editor: Herbert W Armstrong
Publisher: Herbert W Armstrong
Number: Vol 25, No 01
Date Published: 1960-01
Type: Magazine
Type Media: PDF
Warning: Some of the statements and teachings
Warning: in these earlier issues of The Plain
Warning: Truth (earlier than around 1978) were
Warning: later changed or discarded.
And still you persist with this comment, knowing full well that
outsiders couldn't identify which changes happened when and why. This
disclaimer/warning isn't worth much when all you do is copy and paste
links to outdated materials.

Even looking at it from your Armstrongite perspective: why don't you
feed the flock by explaining more thoroughly?
Sincere regards
Henrik Blunck - Denmark
Armstrongism - The Ultimate Guide