(too old to reply)
2012-12-29 20:07:07 UTC
Chronology of the Flood (150 days the waters prevailed).

I am just adding this "chronology of the flood" which shows that the waters prevailed up to 15 cubits above the tops of the mountains for 150 days - until the first day of the 10th month.

Some people count this wrongly and take the 150 days to mean from when Noah entered the ark until its hull rested on the mountains of Ararat. Then they say this was 5 months, so (they presume) back then the calendar must have had 30 days to the month. But there is no proof of that.

What really happened was that the tops of the mountains were seen again on the 1st day of the 10th month, and they were covered since the 27th day of the 4th month.

(ps. a "lunar month" has nothing to do with the "months" on a purely solar calendar like the Gregorian one we use today. Neither has the earth's orbit round the sun anything to do with the moon months or even the 365.25 days the earth turns on its axis in one orbit. The 360 degree circle the earth covers in its yearly orbit can be conveniently divided into 12 divisions each of 30 degrees, often referred to as "houses" in the zodiac. Now there ARE 12 of these in a year, each with 30 degrees).


Does the account of the flood in Noah's time say that 5 months of the Biblical calendar are the same as 150 days?

No it doesn't, but some have tried to read it this way.

What do Genesis chapters 7 and 8 actually say:

Yahweh told Noah to go into the ark:

10th day of 2nd month in 600th year of Noah's life:

Genesis 7:1* ¶ And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.
2* Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.
3 Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
4 For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.

17th day of 2nd month

The flood began

Gen 7:11* ¶ In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

It rained for 40 days and 40 nights

Gen 7:12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

The rain ceased on the 27th day of the 3rd month.

Gen 7:17 ¶ And the flood was forty days upon the earth; …

After the rain stopped the waters still increased

Gen 7:17 …and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth.

The tops of the mountains disappeared on the 27th day of the 4th month

Gen 7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.

The waters PREVAILED fifteen cubits above the height of the mountains for ONE HUNDRED AND 50 DAYS

Gen 7:20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.

Gen 8:3 And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated.

On the 17th day of the 7th month, the hull of the ark touched the mountains of Ararat and it stayed still. But the mountains were still covered by water.

Gen 8:4* ¶ And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat

On the first day of the 10th month, the tops of the mountains were seen – the first time since the 27th day of the 4th month (150 days ago).

Gen 8:5* And the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, were the tops of the mountains seen.

On the 11th of the 11th month Noah sent out a raven and a dove:

Gen 8:6 ¶ And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made:
7 And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.
8 Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground;

The dove returned, and on the 18th day of the 11th month, Noah sent her out again:

Gen 8:10 And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark;
11* And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.

On the 25th day of the 11th month, Noah sent out the dove for the last time:

Gen 8:12 And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more.

In the first month the waters were dried off the earth and Noah left the ark on the
27th day of the 2nd month, just over a year from when he entered the ark.

Gen 8:13* ¶ And it came to pass in the six hundredth and first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from off the earth: and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and, behold, the face of the ground was dry.
14 And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried.
15 ¶ And God spake unto Noah, saying,
16* Go forth of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives with thee.
17 Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply upon the earth.
Up from the Abyss
2012-12-29 20:27:39 UTC
Post by f***@ymail.com
Chronology of the Flood (150 days the waters
I am just adding this "chronology of the flood"
which shows that the waters prevailed up to
15 cubits above the tops of the mountains for
150 days - until the first day of the 10th month.
Gen 7:11; Rain started 2.17.600
[2nd month. 17th day. 600th year of Noah's life]

Gen 8:4; Ark rested 7.17.600

A biblical month is a lunar month. The synodic
lunar month is 29.53xxxxxxx days. We'll round
it off to 29.5.

Now remember, that is the synodic, mean, or average
lunar month. I have extensively tested this, and over a
period of five lunar months, one can have 149 days + 1.
It is not often, nor is it every year, but in a few years, it
does occur.

2.17 to 7.16 = 147.5 days. + 1 day to 7.17 = 148.5
days. As I said, there are in fact years in which it can
be 150 days. Even though I am using the synodic lunar
month in the math above.

Gen 8:5 Waters decreased until 10.1.600

Gen 8:13 1.1.601

Gen 8:14 Earth was dry 2.27.601

They exit the ark.

You made a good effort, I won't deny that.
But you are overthinking it.

BTW: How long was Noah in the ark?

And what is the significance of it?

After you have had a chance to reply, I'll
give you a brief layout of it if necessary.
2012-12-29 23:32:14 UTC
Post by f***@ymail.com
Chronology of the Flood (150 days the waters prevailed).
“Up from the Abyss” answered my post on the flood chronology on 29 dec 2012
Gen 7:11; Rain started 2.17.600
[2nd month. 17th day. 600th year of Noah's life]

Gen 8:4; Ark rested 7.17.600

A biblical month is a lunar month. The synodic
lunar month is 29.53xxxxxxx days. We'll round
it off to 29.5.

Now remember, that is the synodic, mean, or average
lunar month. I have extensively tested this, and over a
period of five lunar months, one can have 149 days + 1.
It is not often, nor is it every year, but in a few years, it
does occur.

2.17 to 7.16 = 147.5 days. + 1 day to 7.17 = 148.5
days. As I said, there are in fact years in which it can
be 150 days. Even though I am using the synodic lunar
month in the math above.

Gen 8:5 Waters decreased until 10.1.600

Gen 8:13 1.1.601

Gen 8:14 Earth was dry 2.27.601

They exit the ark.

You made a good effort, I won't deny that.
But you are overthinking it.

BTW: How long was Noah in the ark?

And what is the significance of it?

After you have had a chance to reply, I'll
give you a brief layout of it if necessary.


Hello Mr. “up from the abyss”. Any chance of having your real name?

IF the 150 days were counted from the 17.2 to the 17.7 which they are NOT - that would not work out according to the calculated calendar which has specific numbers of days for each month except on occasions a one-day adjustment in the 8th or 9th months.

1. second month has 29 days: 17th of month to 29th inclusive = 13 days
third month has 30 days: 30
fourth month has 29 days: 29
fifth month has 30 days: 30
sixth month has 29 days: 29
seventh month 1st to 16th inclusive = 16 days.
THAT IS 147 DAYS according to the calculated calendar. (Or 147.65 according to the average length).

If you are using the AVERAGE lunar month, then it’s always going to be the SAME for every month, and every 5 months, NEVER 150 days.

My point is that the 150 are when the waters prevailed above the tops of the mountains, which they did until the 1st day of the 10th month. We aren’t told exactly when the waters first covered the tops of the mountains, but 150 days before the 1st of the 10th month brings us back to

4th month has 29 days
5th month has 30 days
6th month has 29 days
7th month has 30 days
8th month has 29 (or 30 sometimes)
9th month has 30 (or 29 sometimes)

Add these up and you get the 150 days beginning
27th of 4th month (or possibly 26th or 28th).

Anyway, that is my point – because some people have thought the 150 days referred to the 17.2 to the 17.7 and concluded that in those days 150/5 = 30, therefore months then were 30 days, different from today. This is wrong, however, as the 150 days are referring to the 150 days before the 1st of the 10th month.

Noah was in the ark from the 17th of the 2nd month in the 600th year of his life until the 27th day of the 2nd month in his 601st year. That is one year and 10 days. Although he started putting everyone, animals, stores etc., in the ark on the 10th day of the 2nd month – one week before the flood came.

The significance of the flood and the ark? Well, much could be said about that.

Up from the Abyss
2012-12-29 23:59:54 UTC
Post by f***@ymail.com
Post by Up from the Abyss
Gen 7:11; Rain started 2.17.600
[2nd month. 17th day. 600th year of Noah's life]
Gen 8:4; Ark rested 7.17.600
A biblical month is a lunar month. The synodic
lunar month is 29.53xxxxxxx days. We'll round
it off to 29.5.
Now remember, that is the synodic, mean, or average
lunar month. I have extensively tested this, and over a
period of five lunar months, one can have 149 days + 1.
It is not often, nor is it every year, but in a few years, it
does occur.
2.17 to 7.16 = 147.5 days. + 1 day to 7.17 = 148.5
days. As I said, there are in fact years in which it can
be 150 days. Even though I am using the synodic lunar
month in the math above.
Gen 8:5 Waters decreased until 10.1.600
Gen 8:13 1.1.601
Gen 8:14 Earth was dry 2.27.601
They exit the ark.
You made a good effort, I won't deny that.
But you are overthinking it.
BTW: How long was Noah in the ark?
And what is the significance of it?
After you have had a chance to reply, I'll
give you a brief layout of it if necessary.
Hello Mr. “up from the abyss”.
Any chance of having your real name?
IF the 150 days were counted from the 17.2 to
the 17.7 which they are NOT
Five months are from 17.2 to 16.7 So it is actually
five months and one day from 17.2 to 17.7 You
have to remember to add a day to the five months.
Post by f***@ymail.com
- that would not work out according to the
calculated calendar which has specific numbers
of days for each month except on occasions a
one-day adjustment in the 8th or 9th months.
17th of month to 29th inclusive = 13 days
third month has 30 days: 30
fourth month has 29 days: 29
fifth month has 30 days: 30
sixth month has 29 days: 29
seventh month 1st to 16th inclusive = 16 days.
THAT IS 147 DAYS according to the calculated
calendar. (Or 147.65 according to the average length).
Noah did not have a calculated calendar. It was
visual observance. Of which, in visually observed
lunar months, you can have consecutive 30 day
months, and the occasional 31 day month.
Post by f***@ymail.com
If you are using the AVERAGE lunar month, then
it’s always going to be the SAME for every month,
and every 5 months, NEVER 150 days.
You have to also remember, that the earth's proximity
and direction in relation to the sun, is going to have an
effect on the length of consecutive lunar months by a
visual reckoning.
Post by f***@ymail.com
My point is that the 150 are when the waters prevailed
above the tops of the mountains, which they did until the
1st day of the 10th month. We aren’t told exactly when
the waters first covered the tops of the mountains, but
150 days before the 1st of the 10th month brings us back
4th month has 29 days
5th month has 30 days
6th month has 29 days
7th month has 30 days
8th month has 29 (or 30 sometimes)
9th month has 30 (or 29 sometimes)
Add these up and you get the 150 days beginning
27th of 4th month (or possibly 26th or 28th).
Anyway, that is my point – because some people
have thought the 150 days referred to the 17.2 to
the 17.7 and concluded that in those days 150/5 = 30,
therefore months then were 30 days, different from
today. This is wrong, however, as the 150 days are
referring to the 150 days before the 1st of the 10th month.
Again, you must add a day. Five months is only 17.2 to 16.7.
17.2 to 17.7 is five months one day.

Since there are consecutive 30 day months and even the
occasional 31 day month with a visual confirmation, it is

I have used some good software and run through many
different years and found that it is occasionally possible.

149 days inclusive, is quite common for five months one day.
Post by f***@ymail.com
Noah was in the ark from the 17th of the 2nd month
in the 600th year of his life until the 27th day of the
2nd month in his 601st year. That is one year and
10 days.
Close. 17.2.600 to 16.2.601 is one year. So it "appears"
to be one year and 11 days.

But that is not the whole story. As those are lunar months:

29.5 * 12 months = 354 days.

354 + 11 days = 365 days.

Noah was in the ark for one solar year.
Post by f***@ymail.com
Although he started putting everyone, animals, stores
etc., in the ark on the 10th day of the 2nd month – one
week before the flood came.

Take care Valerie.
Up from the Abyss
2012-12-30 00:06:56 UTC
Post by Up from the Abyss
Post by f***@ymail.com
Post by Up from the Abyss
Gen 7:11; Rain started 2.17.600
[2nd month. 17th day. 600th year of Noah's life]
Gen 8:4; Ark rested 7.17.600
A biblical month is a lunar month. The synodic
lunar month is 29.53xxxxxxx days. We'll round
it off to 29.5.
Now remember, that is the synodic, mean, or average
lunar month. I have extensively tested this, and over a
period of five lunar months, one can have 149 days + 1.
It is not often, nor is it every year, but in a few years, it
does occur.
2.17 to 7.16 = 147.5 days. + 1 day to 7.17 = 148.5
days. As I said, there are in fact years in which it can
be 150 days. Even though I am using the synodic lunar
month in the math above.
Gen 8:5 Waters decreased until 10.1.600
Gen 8:13 1.1.601
Gen 8:14 Earth was dry 2.27.601
They exit the ark.
You made a good effort, I won't deny that.
But you are overthinking it.
BTW: How long was Noah in the ark?
And what is the significance of it?
After you have had a chance to reply, I'll
give you a brief layout of it if necessary.
Hello Mr. "up from the abyss".
Any chance of having your real name?
IF the 150 days were counted from the 17.2 to
the 17.7 which they are NOT
Five months are from 17.2 to 16.7 So it is actually
five months and one day from 17.2 to 17.7 You
have to remember to add a day to the five months.
Post by f***@ymail.com
- that would not work out according to the
calculated calendar which has specific numbers
of days for each month except on occasions a
one-day adjustment in the 8th or 9th months.
17th of month to 29th inclusive = 13 days
third month has 30 days: 30
fourth month has 29 days: 29
fifth month has 30 days: 30
sixth month has 29 days: 29
seventh month 1st to 16th inclusive = 16 days.
THAT IS 147 DAYS according to the calculated
calendar. (Or 147.65 according to the average length).
Noah did not have a calculated calendar. It was
visual observance. Of which, in visually observed
lunar months, you can have consecutive 30 day
months, and the occasional 31 day month.
And, months as short as 28 days from visual new
moon to visual new moon.
Post by Up from the Abyss
Post by f***@ymail.com
If you are using the AVERAGE lunar month, then
it's always going to be the SAME for every month,
and every 5 months, NEVER 150 days.
You have to also remember, that the earth's proximity
and direction in relation to the sun, is going to have an
effect on the length of consecutive lunar months by a
visual reckoning.
Post by f***@ymail.com
My point is that the 150 are when the waters prevailed
above the tops of the mountains, which they did until the
1st day of the 10th month. We aren't told exactly when
the waters first covered the tops of the mountains, but
150 days before the 1st of the 10th month brings us back
4th month has 29 days
5th month has 30 days
6th month has 29 days
7th month has 30 days
8th month has 29 (or 30 sometimes)
9th month has 30 (or 29 sometimes)
Add these up and you get the 150 days beginning
27th of 4th month (or possibly 26th or 28th).
Anyway, that is my point - because some people
have thought the 150 days referred to the 17.2 to
the 17.7 and concluded that in those days 150/5 = 30,
therefore months then were 30 days, different from
today. This is wrong, however, as the 150 days are
referring to the 150 days before the 1st of the 10th month.
Again, you must add a day. Five months is only 17.2 to 16.7.
17.2 to 17.7 is five months one day.
Since there are consecutive 30 day months and even the
occasional 31 day month with a visual confirmation, it is
I have used some good software and run through many
different years and found that it is occasionally possible.
149 days inclusive, is quite common for five months one day.
Post by f***@ymail.com
Noah was in the ark from the 17th of the 2nd month
in the 600th year of his life until the 27th day of the
2nd month in his 601st year. That is one year and
10 days.
Close. 17.2.600 to 16.2.601 is one year. So it "appears"
to be one year and 11 days.
Liken it to our current calendars: One year is from
Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st.

Jan. 1st to Jan. 1st is one year and one day.
Post by Up from the Abyss
29.5 * 12 months = 354 days.
354 + 11 days = 365 days.
Noah was in the ark for one solar year.
Post by f***@ymail.com
Although he started putting everyone, animals, stores
etc., in the ark on the 10th day of the 2nd month - one
week before the flood came.
Take care Valerie.